do 2 months In Silicon born, my personal blog. When I announced here that I would SalaBecarios writing, which so far have not done. Ahem. Alternatively
comfortable, I thought to summarize my notes of each month. In late October I move, so this time is a double ration.
October and November in Silicon
annotation perhaps more interesting is the graphics update on housing :
Other reflections I have been kept busy:
- English or Loitering " lack of incentives?
- Rule 1: Have fun with stupid things
- Complaints, Leonard Euler and the factorial (n!)
- Two brief reflections and superfluous
I have also written extensively on language, writing and Related topics:
- The existence of words ... and Blade Runner
- language: a window into the traps of the world
- On the origin and Fifth-term success
- Writing clean and honest as George Orwell
no wonder that as a personal blog, have talked enough about my , especially on my three months of life in Belgium:
- BMC Bioinformatics or my second article published
- happened on February 13, 1981
- Correspondent The 24 heures vélo, Louvain-la-neuve
- Etcetera, Etcetera , etc. ...
I think of all the entries, my favorite these are the Charts on the price of housing and Rule 1: Have fun with stupid things. PD
Indeed, in the end even I have written about twitter , haha \u200b\u200b...