Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Pleurisy Recovery Time

Friday, December 14, 2007
On Poptropica Where Is Big Nate's Locker
I am after reading the article Perez-Reverte in the Weekly (seen through meneame.net), where he praises the heavy metal as a vehicle of culture (the word culture is not alien to a part of that world, "said specifically that it is).
aside the mythological references, filmgoers and music (which may be a matter for another post ), I have devoted some time to develop a list of literary references in groups heavy metal (all variants). There will be many more, of course, I just wanted to emphasize that I know and I find most relevant. As I said, I look at all styles of music metal (purists, no stretch of the hair), or just the ones I like me. Here is the list: Avalanch
- : among others, the song Cid (1999), refers to the Song of My Cid and feel of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, when he is expelled from their land
- Baron Red : include the song Sons of Cain (1985), which refers to the Bible and the story of Cain and Abel, who more or less all know
- Blind Guardian : their songs contain many references to books in the saga of Lord of the Rings, as the song Lord of the Rings (1990) or The Bard's Song - The Hobbit (1992), or the entire album Nightfall in Middle-Earth (1998), with songs like The Curse of Feanor , Noldor (Dead Winter Reigns) or Time Stands Still (at the Iron Hill)
- Cradle of Filth : the texts of Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos are inspiration for many metal groups . Regarding Cradle of Filth, the can quote the song Cthulhu Dawn (2000)
- Grave Digger: Excalibur album (1999), is dedicated to the Arthurian legends, with songs like Pendragon, Excalibur , Avalon or Mordred's song
- Helloween : the album The Time of the Oath (1996) is based on the predictions of Nostradamus
- Iced Earth : song Dante's Inferno (1999) speaks of the Divine Comedy, Dante, in particular the coolest part (the description of Hell, as you can imagine) Iron Maiden
- : many are the literary references throughout its years of history and multiple discs. We have, for example, Murders of the Rue Morgue (1981), referring to the work of the same title Poe; Flight of Icarus (1983), about the legend of Icarus; To tame a land (1983 ) on the novel Dune, by Frank Herbert; Rime of the ancient mariner (1984), with quotes from the Coleridge poem of the same name, or Lord of the Flies (1995), based on the novel by William Golding Kamelot
- : Nights of Arabia (2000), is based on Tales from the Thousand and One Nights
- Wizard of Oz: the concept album The Legend of Mancha (1998) is entirely devoted to Don Quixote, with songs like Gilead balm, Windmills , Maritornes or Broad is Castilla
- Manowar: a fairly clear reference is the song Achilles, agony and ecstasy (in eight parts) (1992), about the Trojan War (The Iliad, by Homer) Metallica
- : Several literary references, from the Bible and Revelation in The four horsemen (1983), the English Civil War in For Whom the Bell Tolls (1984), based, presumably, in the novel of the same title of Hemingway, and before the movie and novel Johnny Got His Gun, Dalton Trumbo, in One (1988) Nightwish
- : song Beauty and the Beast (1997), reference to the tale of Beauty and the Beast
- Saurom Lamderth : with an entire disc dedicated to the Lord of the Rings ( Sombras del Este , 2002), with songs like Tom Bombadil , Mines of Moria or black riders
- Holy Land: several songs, such as Pirate Song (2000), musical version of the poem of the same name written by Espronceda, and others like Trojan Horse (2000) or Hamlet (2003)
sure there are many more of the same groups and others who are not on this list. Anyone is encouraged to add contributions in the comments?
As a bonus, I recommend reading this hilarious article of viruete.com , where he argues that the heavy metal these days draws rolero mass of teenagers in search of a group identity. Not wasted.
References: wikipedia , darklyrics.com , and my particular music collection, mainly
Friday, December 7, 2007
Women To Women On Masterbation
recently made a visit to Oceanográfico de Valencia, where is this photo. I liked the visit but also left me, on the other hand, a bitter taste. The facilities are fine, with their environments separated by theme (ecosystems), aquariums, lookout tunnels with sharks, rays, colorful fish, etc. However, it remains to show that living beings are locked.
If you try to stand at some point and you look carefully in one of them, you'll see that show a specific pattern of behavior, a periodic trajectory, with some chaos , but limited, a symptom perhaps of eternal boredom, or a surrender to the landfill.
The belugas were quiet, however. This photo, spent the entire time we were watching as it appears, back and head attached to the gate. Is it possible that one might feel homesick open space?
A feeling like I was with the Dolphins: the show is very nice, and very musical, and dolphins are capable of spectacular stunts. But they are also intelligent animals, with their own language and their own secrets. Are we truly realizing the full scientific potential?
Anyway, the visit is recommended. Everything seems, for once, well planned and studied. In addition there are workshops and activities for children, with drawing contests and others where is used to educate new generations about the dangers to marine biodiversity and the preservation of our seas and oceans. The same message is also transmitted along the route to all visitors.