Tuesday, August 28, 2007

How Hard Is The Nln Pre Entrance Exam

Before I go on vacation loaded desktop PC in the installation of Ubuntu Feisty I had, because when you upgrade to the Alpha version of Ubuntu Gutsy, ceased operation in Matlab Simulink (not I have no idea why) and partition NTFS that was shared with samba stopped pregnant (apparently is a bug with for now.)

Yesterday, while doing the research that has tortured me this summer (that has done much, but I have been around for the mind all the time) with the laptop, I decided that instead of wasting time fixing the distro, you might try another to see such. Some time ago I had the fly behind the ear with OpenSuse , since in the new version been released, have greatly improved the failures that had, as was the slow starter (much like Windows when it takes 6 months without being formatted ) and the software package manager, which was not very fast.

So I downloaded the KDE CD of OpenSuse 10.3 Beta 2 (another advantage: Before you had to download the 5 CD's, have now created only 1 installation CD), and while working with Kile (best Latex editing environment that exists) and Matlab in the notebook, graph a bit, I started to install the distro on the PC. Have further improved the installer (if possible) before anything can be added semi-automatically and software repositories if you have internet connection. This means that if the version of a program that is on the CD is earlier than the one on the internet, you install the new one, so you wont have to upgrade later.

In short: in 45 minutes had the computer with all recognized by default and all software under Matlab, which I installed then, and that gives me problems with the Java virtual machine (but for something invented the command "matlab - nojvm ") necessary to continue working.

Ah Throughout the installation process only had to reboot once the system (out of the box) and once the window manager that starts with 3D acceleration enabled.

Come wonderful!

PS: I leave the screenshots of rigor.



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